Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Arcing Quest Series

I wanted to say thanks to everyone who participated in the quest last night, and to say that if you're not involved yet, find a way to get in on the action. It's not over yet, and things are going to get very interesting >:)

It's been a while since I did a series of arcing quest -- the last one was the Golden Knights quests for which the winner got a complete set of matching questeq. They're a lot of work to put together, but the combination of having an awesome admin team to scheme/work with and terrific mortals to RP with makes it a lot of fun, too.

The grand prize for this isn't going to be a set of jacked-up eq, but there will be prizes for each individual quest within the arc (last night's prize was a jacked-up held container full of goodies including a multifaceted gem), and the prize for the finale is going to be BIG.

When will that be? Stay tuned, get involved, and find out :D



  1. Can't believe i skipped the quest last night too. lol...last Quest series I was in was the Dragoon quest series from way back when, I bet this one is gonna be even more fun.

  2. Boo I missed it too
