Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's that time of the year everyone! Merry Christmas!

Just a brief reminder, don't forget to log in on Christmas day to benefit from the spirit of giving and get some nice magical gifts! One per person (player not character), so choose which alt you want to get the gift with care. Gifts will only be given out on Christmas day so make sure to stop by. We hope you have a great holiday season. :)

The Staff

Monday, November 29, 2010

First post in quite a while, but I'll be doing my best to post new updates about the game here from now on as well the changes board. We recently tweaked some of the in-game vuln weapons, I look forward to seeing how it affects the balance of PK on the MUD. Those of you who try it out and think it wasn't enough of a change or it was too much, just note to ADMIN with your feed back.

I'll be posting again later this week with some information about some upcoming events! Don't forget to log consistently through December to grab your Christmas gifts.



votevotevotevotevote. Try and break top twenty guys!