For the sake of appeasing any fears related to this increase in lag, here is some useful information:
- If you come out of the lag spike and a bunch of text (eg battle spam) dumps out on your screen all at once, the lag is due to your connection. If you come out of the lag spike and only one more round of battle spam happens though, it was a server-side problem.
- Server-side lag locks up the whole game, including battle, mobs, pk, and everything else. If you're in PK and there is some server-side lag, your opponent feels it just as bad as you do--the tables will not be turned on you. Connection-related lag, though, can be fatal.
- Similarly, you aren't going to die if you're fighting the hydra and the server locks up momentarily. The fight itself locks up, so the hydra isn't hitting you while your screen is frozen; the hydra is frozen up too. While it can be unnerving to have your screen freeze up mid-fight, if the problem is on the server side, the fight will resume as normal when everything unfreezes. There will be no catching up on battle as there would've been if the lag was due to your connection.
For those of you who are interested in the technical details, this server-side lag is due to the server on which we run being momentarily overloaded, an effect similar to when you run too many programs on your computer and you get the hourglass icon for a few seconds. Dark Risings runs on the same server as a number of other muds, and if one of them reboots, experiences some nasty bug which causes them to go rogue, or does anything which momentarily strains the server as a whole, we can feel the effects of that in the form of a lag spike.
Unfortunately, these server-side lag issues are something we will all have to just put up with for the time being. Dedicated hosting solutions cost between 3x and 4x as much as our current hosting, and our current costs are already about as much as we can afford without relying on some sort of revenue (donations, fees, et cetera). However, there is light at the end of the tunnel--our server is due to receive a hardware upgrade in the coming months. If this upgrade will include moving to a SMP (multicore) platform, the server-side lag spikes should go away almost completely.