What's prompted this whiny rant is a problem I discovered while generating a list of all of the scrolls in the game for Sidonie. I'd already done this with wands and staves with the help of a little Perl magic that I wrote, so I expected it to be another straightforward five-minute job. In a sense it was, but upon examining my data dump, I noticed that some scrolls had four spells (some of which are listed as "reserved") and others have blanks where spells should've been. Thinking that my Perl script was defective, I checked the area files themselves, and sure enough, some scrolls have "reserved" and others are just "". What's the difference? Since this sort of ill-defined behavior can lead to major issues (area/pfile corruption, crashes, etc), I started digging and was brought to one particular routine that made me a little crazy.
Consider the following code, straight out of the Dark Risings source:
* Lookup a skill by name.
int skill_lookup( const char *name )
int sn;
for ( sn = 0; sn < MAX_SKILL; sn++ )
if( skill_table[ sn ].name == NULL )
if( strcasecmp( name, skill_table[ sn ].name ) == 0 )
return sn;
if ( skill_table[sn].name == NULL )
if ( LOWER(name[0]) == LOWER(skill_table[sn].name[0])
&& !str_prefix( name, skill_table[sn].name ) )
return sn;
This sort of thing drives me crazy for many reasons, but here's one.
The stock version of the code was smart; it first checked the first character of the argument against the first character of the entry under examination in the master skill table. Since there's a very large chance that those first characters won't match when ripping through all 298 skills, you wind up not having to incur the overhead associated with a full-on subroutine call for the majority of the misses. This makes the whole process of finding a skill and returning its associated skill number much faster.
Perhaps I am more mindful of the benefit of these tiny performance benefits since I write very computationally intensive scientific code, where one poorly written line of code can add days or weeks onto compute time, for a living. And perhaps there really is no appreciable speed benefit to not preserving this preliminary first-character check when matching strings on modern hardware. However, I see little reason to pull it out outright since it is a smart way of handling these sorts of lookups.
Furthermore, the
routine (provided with ROM) was replaced with strcasecmp
, which is intrinsic to string.h
. However, whoever did this code change must have been extremely unfamiliar with ROM's internals (or perhaps extremely tired), because ROM provides str_cmp
, its own equivalent to strcasecmp
which is used extensively (and I mean extensively) throughout the code.If
and str_cmp
serve the same purpose, why do both exist? As it turns out, strcasecmp
is indeed included in string.h
, but it is not ANSI C (although it is POSIX 2001). POSIX didn't exist back when Diku was first released (and neither did GCC or glibc for that matter), so it's likely that the str_cmp
routine was written into the code decades ago. Providing this routine made the code more portable by not having to rely on special extensions that only existed in specific proprietary compilers. It was also tailored specifically to the needs of the code.For the sake of consistency and portability,
(which is probably a little faster than strcasecmp
) has been used exclusively in ROM's source. Unfortunately, DR's code has become rife with a sloppy mix of strcasecmp
and str_cmp
, forfeiting the benefits of portability while gaining literally nothing. As DR coders have touched the code, they've left these marks across it without really considering what the implications may have been. True, since
is now POSIX, it is unlikely that Dark Risings will ever be run on a system without it (e.g., DR compiles on HP-UX 11i, which predates POSIX 2001), but this is only an innocuous example. This sort of messy work, where one feature is implemented many times because various coders were ignorant of their predecessors' work, are all over the DR source, and it drives me a little nuts. I could go through and change all those strcasecmp
s to str_cmp
, but to do so would require quite a bit of testing and would open the doors to new bugs. When it comes down to spending time cleaning up code which will not introduce any new features to the game or spending time adding new features while leaving the existing problems as they are, I find myself always choosing the latter. Nobody cares if our code reads like garbage as long as that garbage is transparent to the players and imms, so I guess I'll have to take out my frustrations on this blog. It probably doesn't help that I spend my entire day at work cleaning up garbage FORTRAN.
So from what I understand in that snippet of code, it loops through the entire master skill list until it reaches MAX_SKILL which I presume is 298 or whatever how many skills there are. I assume "NULL" is the variable or whatever for the last entry in the skill array/table since the loop is set to break if it finds a match to NULL, and if it finds a match to whatever you're looking for it returns the number the skill is on the master table(the int variable "sn" I guess.) After looking through the bottom half of the loop, does that mean the top half of the loop basically does the same thing the bottom half (what I assume is the original code) does? I assume the top half of the loop makes the bottom half totally unnecessary despite of how badly coded it is, right?
ReplyDeleteThe bottom half (which is commented out) is the original code. It's not so much that the top half is badly written, it just was a sloppier, less-efficient way of doing it. Considering the fact that the original code was left in there, it escaped me why someone who could clearly see it would simply disregard it and drop the quality.